DJ Sanders, Operations Manager, Hot Springs

Employee Spotlight: DJ Sanders
Position: Operations Manager
Division: Hot Springs, AR

DJ Sanders, Paramedic, Hot Springs, AR, LifeNet EMS Jobs

DJ joined the LifeNet family in 2012. He is a full-time Paramedic in Malvern and a part-time SSC in Hot Springs.

DJ’s career in public safety, however, started 11 years earlier when he participated in the Garland County Sheriff’s Office’s Explorer Program.

“During this time, explorers were required to do training hours in dispatch. I fell in love with it. I found it exciting to be able to help someone from the moment that their 911 call was received,” he said.

For the next several years, DJ worked as a dispatcher for Hot Spring County 911 in Malvern and then at the Hot Springs Police Department.

“I began my career with LifeNet as a dispatcher (SSC), eventually going to EMT school as part of my job requirement. After being ‘behind the scenes’ for so long, it was refreshing to start working in the field full-time as an EMT in the fall of 2015 and then ultimately becoming a Paramedic in October of 2017,” DJ said.

There are a lot of things DJ enjoys about his career choice.

“Whether it’s taking 911 calls, or responding to one, no call is ever the same. You see different people. You hear different stories. You become involved in unique situations. In short, I love the unpredictability of this line of work. It keeps you on your toes. You have to stay ready for anything,” he said.

In his spare time, DJ enjoys spending time with his dogs, going to the movies, going out to dinner with friends, and taking road trips to new places.

To new people contemplating a career in EMS, DJ has some good advice.

“Make it a commitment. Half of my life now has been devoted to public safety. You have to be the best that you can be whenever someone’s life is in your hands,” he said.